
Pokémon FireRed is a enhanced remake of the original Pokémon Red and was released for the Game Boy Advance in 2004 along with Pokémon LeafGreen, the remake of Pokémon Blue. These games were developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company. They play homage to the original titles while incorporating modernized gameplay features and graphics.

Key Features:

  1. Graphics and Sound:
  2. Enhanced Visuals: FireRed features upgraded graphics compared to the original Game Boy versions, showcasing more detailed and colored sprites.
  3. Improved Audio: The music and sound effects are also significantly enhanced, taking advantage of the Game Boy Advance's superior audio capabilities.

  4. Expanded Gameplay:

  5. Sevii Islands: This version introduces the Sevii Islands, a new area consisting of several islands that were not present in the original Red version. These islands offer additional quests and the opportunity to catch Pokémon from the Johto region.

Version Group

Firered Leafgreen