Yanma Species
- Base Happiness: 70
- Capture Rate: 75
- Color: Red
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 20
- Has Gender Differences: False
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Bug-Wings
- Generation: Generation-Ii
Flavor Text Entries
Gold: If it flaps its wings really fast, it can generateshock waves that will shatter win dows in the area.
Silver: Its large eyes can scan 360 degrees. It looks in alldirections to seek out insects as its prey.
Crystal: It can see in all directions without moving its bigeyes, helping it spot attackers and food right away.
Ruby: YANMA is capable of seeing 360 degrees without having to move its eyes. It is a great flier that is adept atmaking sudden stops and turning midair. This POKéMON uses its flying ability to quickly chase down targeted prey.
Sapphire: YANMA is capable of seeing 360 degrees without having to move its eyes. It is a great flier that is adept atmaking sudden stops and turning midair. This POKéMON uses its flying ability to quickly chase down targeted prey.
Emerald: It can see 360 degrees without moving its eyes. It is a great flier capable of making sudden stops and turning midair to quickly chase down targeted prey.
Firered: Its large eyes can scan 360 degrees. It looks in all directions to seek out insects as its prey.
Leafgreen: If it flaps its wings really fast, it can generate shock waves that will shatter windows in the area.
Diamond: Its eyes can see 360 degrees without moving its head. It won’t miss prey--even those behind it.
Pearl: Its eyes can see 360 degrees without moving its head. It won’t miss prey--even those behind it.
Platinum: It can hover in one spot by flapping its wings at high speed. It flits about to guard its territory.
Heartgold: If it flaps its wings really fast, it can generate shock waves that will shatter windows in the area.
Soulsilver: Its large eyes can scan 360 degrees. It looks in all directions to seek out insects as its prey.
Black: It can hover in one spot by flapping its wings at high speed. It flits about to guard its territory.
White: It can hover in one spot by flapping its wings at high speed. It flits about to guard its territory.
Black-2: By flapping its wings at high speed, it can fly freely through the air. Even sudden stops are no problem.
White-2: By flapping its wings at high speed, it can fly freely through the air. Even sudden stops are no problem.
X: Its eyes can see 360 degrees without moving its head. It won’t miss prey--even those behind it.
Y: If it flaps its wings really fast, it can generate shock waves that will shatter windows in the area.
Omega-Ruby: Yanma is capable of seeing 360 degrees without having to move its eyes. It is a great flier that is adept at making sudden stops and turning midair. This Pokémon uses its flying ability to quickly chase down targeted prey.
Alpha-Sapphire: Yanma is capable of seeing 360 degrees without having to move its eyes. It is a great flier that is adept at making sudden stops and turning midair. This Pokémon uses its flying ability to quickly chase down targeted prey.
Legends-Arceus: Its frail wings are so thin that one can see clear through them. However, during flight these wings exhibit the power to churn air with force enough to launch a house skyward.