Vileplume Species
- Base Happiness: 50
- Capture Rate: 45
- Color: Red
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 20
- Has Gender Differences: True
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Humanoid
- Generation: Generation-I
Vileplume Varieties
45 - Grass, Poison
Flavor Text Entries
Sword: It has the world’s largest petals. With every step, the petals shake out heavy clouds of toxic pollen.
Red: The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen itcontains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up.
Blue: The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen itcontains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up.
Yellow: Flaps its broad flower petals to scatter itspoisonous pollen. The flapping sound is very loud.
Gold: It has the world's largest petals. With every step,the petals shake out heavy clouds of toxic pollen.
Silver: The bud bursts into bloom with a bang. It thenstarts scattering allergenic, poi sonous pollen.
Crystal: By shaking its big petals, it scat ters toxic polleninto the air, turning the air yellow.
Ruby: VILEPLUME’s toxic pollen triggers atrocious allergy attacks. That’s why it is advisable never to approach anyattractive flowers in a jungle, however pretty they may be.
Sapphire: VILEPLUME has the world’s largest petals. They are used to attract prey that are then doused with toxic spores.Once the prey are immobilized, this POKéMON catches and devours them.
Emerald: In seasons when it produces more pollen, the air around a VILEPLUME turns yellow with the powder as it walks. The pollen is highly toxic and causes paralysis.
Firered: Its petals are the largest in the world. It fiendishly scatters allergy-causing pollen from its petals.
Leafgreen: The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up.
Diamond: Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen.
Pearl: Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen.
Platinum: Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen.
Heartgold: It has the world’s largest petals. With every step, the petals shake out heavy clouds of toxic pollen.
Soulsilver: The bud bursts into bloom with a bang. It then starts scattering allergenic, poisonous pollen.
Black: Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen.
White: Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen.
Black-2: Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen.
White-2: Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen.
X: The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up.
Y: It has the world’s largest petals. With every step, the petals shake out heavy clouds of toxic pollen.
Omega-Ruby: Vileplume’s toxic pollen triggers atrocious allergy attacks. That’s why it is advisable never to approach any attractive flowers in a jungle, however pretty they may be.
Alpha-Sapphire: Vileplume has the world’s largest petals. They are used to attract prey that are then doused with toxic spores. Once the prey are immobilized, this Pokémon catches and devours them.
Lets-Go-Pikachu: Flaps its broad flower petals to scatter its poisonous pollen. The flapping sound is very loud.
Lets-Go-Eevee: Flaps its broad flower petals to scatter its poisonous pollen. The flapping sound is very loud.
Shield: The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up.