Toxicroak Species
- Base Happiness: 50
- Capture Rate: 75
- Color: Blue
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 20
- Has Gender Differences: True
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Humanoid
- Generation: Generation-Iv
Toxicroak Varieties
454 - Poison, Fighting
Flavor Text Entries
Diamond: Its knuckle claws secrete a toxin so vile that even a scratch could prove fatal.
Pearl: The toxin made in its poison sacs is pumped to the knuckle claws through tubes down its arms.
Platinum: It has a poison sac at its throat. When it croaks, the stored poison is churned for greater potency.
Heartgold: Swaying and dodging the attacks of its foes, it weaves its flexible body in close, then lunges out with its poisonous claws.
Soulsilver: Swaying and dodging the attacks of its foes, it weaves its flexible body in close, then lunges out with its poisonous claws.
Black: It has a poison sac at its throat. When it croaks, the stored poison is churned for greater potency.
White: It has a poison sac at its throat. When it croaks, the stored poison is churned for greater potency.
Black-2: The croaking that Toxicroak produces before a battle is for churning the poison it has stored in its poison sac.
White-2: The croaking that Toxicroak produces before a battle is for churning the poison it has stored in its poison sac.
X: It has a poison sac at its throat. When it croaks, the stored poison is churned for greater potency.
Y: Its knuckle claws secrete a toxin so vile that even a scratch could prove fatal.
Omega-Ruby: It has a poison sac at its throat. When it croaks, the stored poison is churned for greater potency.
Alpha-Sapphire: Its knuckle claws secrete a toxin so vile that even a scratch could prove fatal.
Sword: It bounces toward opponents and gouges them with poisonous claws. No more than a scratch is needed to knock out its adversaries.
Shield: It booms out a victory croak when its prey goes down in defeat. This Pokémon and Seismitoad are related species.
Legends-Arceus: Its crimson claws contain a virulent toxin. This toxin can be made into a tonic by diluting it, mixing it with several types of wild grass, and boiling it down over two days.