Swablu Species
- Base Happiness: 50
- Capture Rate: 255
- Color: Blue
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 20
- Has Gender Differences: False
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Wings
- Generation: Generation-Iii
Swablu Varieties
333 - Normal, Flying
Flavor Text Entries
Ruby: SWABLU has light and fluffy wings that are like cottony clouds. This POKéMON is not frightened of people.It lands on the heads of people and sits there like a cotton-fluff hat.
Sapphire: SWABLU loves to make things clean. If it spots something dirty, it will wipe and polish it with its cottony wings.If its wings become dirty, this POKéMON finds a stream and showers itself.
Emerald: A POKéMON that has wings like cottony clouds. After enduring winter, in which little food is available, SWABLU flocks move closer to towns in the spring.
Firered: It constantly grooms its cotton-like wings. It takes a shower to clean itself if it becomes dirty.
Leafgreen: It constantly grooms its cotton-like wings. It takes a shower to clean itself if it becomes dirty.
Diamond: Its wings are like cotton tufts. If it perches on someone’s head, it looks like a cotton hat.
Pearl: Its wings are like cotton tufts. If it perches on someone’s head, it looks like a cotton hat.
Platinum: It can’t relax if it or its surroundings are not clean. It wipes off dirt with its wings.
Heartgold: Its wings bring cottony clouds to mind. It grooms with springwater and loves to sit on heads.
Soulsilver: Its wings bring cottony clouds to mind. It grooms with springwater and loves to sit on heads.
Black: It can’t relax if it or its surroundings are not clean. It wipes off dirt with its wings.
White: It can’t relax if it or its surroundings are not clean. It wipes off dirt with its wings.
Black-2: For some reason, it likes to land on people’s heads softly and act like it’s a hat.
White-2: For some reason, it likes to land on people’s heads softly and act like it’s a hat.
X: For some reason, it likes to land on people’s heads softly and act like it’s a hat.
Y: It constantly grooms its cotton-like wings. It takes a shower to clean itself if it becomes dirty.
Omega-Ruby: Swablu has light and fluffy wings that are like cottony clouds. This Pokémon is not frightened of people. It lands on the heads of people and sits there like a cotton-fluff hat.
Alpha-Sapphire: Swablu loves to make things clean. If it spots something dirty, it will wipe and polish it with its cottony wings. If its wings become dirty, this Pokémon finds a stream and showers itself.
Sword: Its cottony wings are full of air, making them light and fluffy to the touch. Swablu takes diligent care of its wings.
Shield: Since Swablu looks like a cumulus cloud, foes can have a hard time finding it. Apparently its wings turned white over many generations.