Sunflora Species
- Base Happiness: 70
- Capture Rate: 120
- Color: Yellow
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 20
- Has Gender Differences: False
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Humanoid
- Generation: Generation-Ii
Flavor Text Entries
Gold: It converts sun light into energy. In the darknessafter sunset, it closes its petals and becomes still.
Silver: In the daytime, it rushes about in a hectic manner, butit comes to a com plete stop when the sun sets.
Crystal: As the hot season approaches, the petals on thisPOKéMON's face become more vivid and lively.
Ruby: SUNFLORA converts solar energy into nutrition. It moves around actively in the daytime when it is warm.It stops moving as soon as the sun goes down for the night.
Sapphire: SUNFLORA converts solar energy into nutrition. It moves around actively in the daytime when it is warm.It stops moving as soon as the sun goes down for the night.
Emerald: SUNFLORA convert solar energy into nutrition. They are highly active in the warm daytime but suddenly stop moving as soon as the sun sets.
Firered: In the daytime, it rushes about in a hectic manner, but it comes to a complete stop when the sun sets.
Leafgreen: It converts sunlight into energy. In the darkness after sunset, it closes its petals and becomes still.
Diamond: It gets energy from warm sunlight and is known for its habit of moving in pursuit of it.
Pearl: It gets energy from warm sunlight and is known for its habit of moving in pursuit of it.
Platinum: It gets energy from warm sunlight and is known for its habit of moving in pursuit of it.
Heartgold: It converts sunlight into energy. In the darkness after sunset, it closes its petals and becomes still.
Soulsilver: In the daytime, it rushes about in a hectic manner, but it comes to a complete stop when the sun sets.
Black: It gets energy from warm sunlight and is known for its habit of moving in pursuit of it.
White: It gets energy from warm sunlight and is known for its habit of moving in pursuit of it.
Black-2: Since it converts sunlight into energy, it is always looking in the direction of the sun.
White-2: Since it converts sunlight into energy, it is always looking in the direction of the sun.
X: As the hot season approaches, the petals on this Pokémon’s face become more vivid and lively.
Y: It gets energy from warm sunlight and is known for its habit of moving in pursuit of it.
Omega-Ruby: Sunflora converts solar energy into nutrition. It moves around actively in the daytime when it is warm. It stops moving as soon as the sun goes down for the night.
Alpha-Sapphire: Sunflora converts solar energy into nutrition. It moves around actively in the daytime when it is warm. It stops moving as soon as the sun goes down for the night.