Shedinja Species
- Base Happiness: 50
- Capture Rate: 45
- Color: Brown
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: -1
- Hatch Counter: 15
- Has Gender Differences: False
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Blob
- Generation: Generation-Iii
Shedinja Varieties
292 - Bug, Ghost
Flavor Text Entries
Ruby: SHEDINJA’s hard body doesn’t move - not even a twitch. In fact, its body appears to be merely a hollow shell.It is believed that this POKéMON will steal the spirit of anyone peering into its hollow body from its back.
Sapphire: SHEDINJA is a peculiar POKéMON. It seems to appear unsought in a POKé BALL after a NINCADA evolves.This bizarre POKéMON is entirely immobile - it doesn’t even breathe.
Emerald: A peculiar POKéMON that floats in air even though its wings remain completely still. The inside of its body is hollow and utterly dark.
Firered: A most peculiar POKéMON that somehow appears in a POKé BALL when a NINCADA evolves.
Leafgreen: A most peculiar POKéMON that somehow appears in a POKé BALL when a NINCADA evolves.
Diamond: A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one’s spirit.
Pearl: A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one’s spirit.
Platinum: A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one’s spirit.
Heartgold: A strange Pokémon--it flies without moving its wings, has a hollow shell for a body, and does not breathe.
Soulsilver: A strange Pokémon--it flies without moving its wings, has a hollow shell for a body, and does not breathe.
Black: A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one’s spirit.
White: A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one’s spirit.
Black-2: A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one’s spirit.
White-2: A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one’s spirit.
X: A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one’s spirit.
Y: A most peculiar Pokémon that somehow appears in a Poké Ball when a Nincada evolves.
Omega-Ruby: Shedinja’s hard body doesn’t move—not even a twitch. In fact, its body appears to be merely a hollow shell. It is believed that this Pokémon will steal the spirit of anyone peering into its hollow body from its back.
Alpha-Sapphire: Shedinja is a peculiar Pokémon. It seems to appear unsought in a Poké Ball after a Nincada evolves. This bizarre Pokémon is entirely immobile—it doesn’t even breathe.
Sword: A most peculiar Pokémon that somehow appears in a Poké Ball when a Nincada evolves.
Shield: A strange Pokémon—it flies without moving its wings, has a hollow shell for a body, and does not breathe.