Remoraid Species
- Base Happiness: 50
- Capture Rate: 190
- Color: Gray
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 20
- Has Gender Differences: False
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Fish
- Generation: Generation-Ii
Flavor Text Entries
Gold: It has superb ac curacy. The water it shoots out canstrike even moving prey from more than 300 feet.
Silver: Using its dorsal fin as a suction pad, it clings toa MANTINE's under side to scavenge for leftovers.
Crystal: To escape from an attacker, it may shoot water out ofits mouth, then use that force to swim backward.
Ruby: REMORAID sucks in water, then expels it at high velocity using its abdominal muscles to shoot down flying prey.When evolution draws near, this POKéMON travels downstream from rivers.
Sapphire: REMORAID sucks in water, then expels it at high velocity using its abdominal muscles to shoot down flying prey.When evolution draws near, this POKéMON travels downstream from rivers.
Emerald: A REMORAID uses its abdominal muscles to forcefully expel swallowed water, then shoot down flying prey. When evolution approaches, it travels down rivers.
Firered: Using its dorsal fin as a suction pad, it clings to a MANTINE’s underside to scavenge for leftovers.
Leafgreen: It has superb accuracy. The water it shoots out can strike even moving prey from more than 100 yards.
Diamond: It squirts water forcefully from its mouth to shoot down flying prey.
Pearl: It clings to MANTINE to feed on the big Pokémon’s scraps. This is an adaptation to avoid foes.
Platinum: It forcefully squirts water. The water jet never misses prey even if the REMORAID is deep in the sea.
Heartgold: It has superb accuracy. The water it shoots out can strike moving prey from more than 300 feet away.
Soulsilver: Using its dorsal fin as a suction pad, it clings to a MANTINE’s underside to scavenge for leftovers.
Black: It forcefully squirts water. The water jet never misses prey even if the Remoraid is deep in the sea.
White: It forcefully squirts water. The water jet never misses prey even if the Remoraid is deep in the sea.
Black-2: The water they shoot from their mouths can hit moving prey from more than 300 feet away.
White-2: The water they shoot from their mouths can hit moving prey from more than 300 feet away.
X: It has superb accuracy. The water it shoots out can strike moving prey from more than 300 feet away.
Y: Using its dorsal fin as a suction pad, it clings to a Mantine’s underside to scavenge for leftovers.
Omega-Ruby: Remoraid sucks in water, then expels it at high velocity using its abdominal muscles to shoot down flying prey. When evolution draws near, this Pokémon travels downstream from rivers.
Alpha-Sapphire: Remoraid sucks in water, then expels it at high velocity using its abdominal muscles to shoot down flying prey. When evolution draws near, this Pokémon travels downstream from rivers.
Ultra-Sun: This Pokémon clings to Mantine and shares in its prosperity. When its Mantine is attacked, Remoraid will fight alongside it!
Ultra-Moon: Also known as the “sniper of the seas,” its water gun can hit prey without fail from over 300 feet away.
Sword: The water they shoot from their mouths can hit moving prey from more than 300 feet away.
Shield: Using its dorsal fin as a suction pad, it clings to a Mantine’s underside to scavenge for leftovers.
Legends-Arceus: Spits water from its mouth with incredible accuracy. It captures Burmy by shooting them down off the branches from which they dangle.