Phanpy Species
- Base Happiness: 70
- Capture Rate: 120
- Color: Blue
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 20
- Has Gender Differences: False
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Quadruped
- Generation: Generation-Ii
Flavor Text Entries
Gold: It swings its long snout around play fully, but becauseit is so strong, that can be dan gerous.
Silver: As a sign of af fection, it bumps with its snout.However, it is so strong, it may send you flying.
Crystal: During the desert ed morning hours, it comes ashorewhere it deftly uses its trunk to take a shower.
Ruby: For its nest, PHANPY digs a vertical pit in the ground at the edge of a river. It marks the area around its nest withits trunk to let the others know that the area has been claimed.
Sapphire: PHANPY uses its long nose to shower itself. When others gather around, they thoroughly douse each other with water.These POKéMON can be seen drying their soaking-wet bodies at the edge of water.
Emerald: PHANPY’s big ears serve as broad fans. When it becomes hot, it flaps the ears busily to cool down. Even the young are very strong.
Firered: As a sign of affection, it bumps with its snout. However, it is so strong, it may send you flying.
Leafgreen: It swings its long snout around playfully, but because it is so strong, this can be dangerous.
Diamond: It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back.
Pearl: It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back.
Platinum: It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back.
Heartgold: It swings its long snout around playfully, but because it is so strong, that can be dangerous.
Soulsilver: As a sign of affection, it bumps with its snout. However, it is so strong, it may send you flying.
Black: It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back.
White: It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back.
Black-2: It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back.
White-2: It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back.
X: As a sign of affection, it bumps with its snout. However, it is so strong, it may send you flying.
Y: It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back.
Omega-Ruby: For its nest, Phanpy digs a vertical pit in the ground at the edge of a river. It marks the area around its nest with its trunk to let the others know that the area has been claimed.
Alpha-Sapphire: Phanpy uses its long nose to shower itself. When others gather around, they thoroughly douse each other with water. These Pokémon can be seen drying their soaking-wet bodies at the edge of water.