Nuzleaf Species
- Base Happiness: 50
- Capture Rate: 120
- Color: Brown
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 15
- Has Gender Differences: True
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Humanoid
- Generation: Generation-Iii
Nuzleaf Varieties
274 - Grass, Dark
Flavor Text Entries
Ruby: NUZLEAF live in densely overgrown forests. They occasionally venture out of the forest to startle people.This POKéMON dislikes having its long nose pinched.
Sapphire: This POKéMON pulls out the leaf on its head and makes a flute with it. The sound of NUZLEAF’s flute strikesfear and uncertainty in the hearts of people lost in a forest.
Emerald: A forest-dwelling POKéMON that is skilled at climbing trees. Its long and pointed nose is its weak point. It loses power if the nose is gripped.
Firered: They live in holes bored in large trees. The sound of NUZLEAF’s grass flute fills listeners with dread.
Leafgreen: They live in holes bored in large trees. The sound of NUZLEAF’s grass flute fills listeners with dread.
Diamond: The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests.
Pearl: The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests.
Platinum: The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests.
Heartgold: It lives deep in forests. With the leaf on its head, it makes a flute whose song makes listeners uneasy.
Soulsilver: It lives deep in forests. With the leaf on its head, it makes a flute whose song makes listeners uneasy.
Black: The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests.
White: The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests.
Black-2: The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests.
White-2: The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests.
X: The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests.
Y: It lives deep in forests. With the leaf on its head, it makes a flute whose song makes listeners uneasy.
Omega-Ruby: Nuzleaf live in densely overgrown forests. They occasionally venture out of the forest to startle people. This Pokémon dislikes having its long nose pinched.
Alpha-Sapphire: This Pokémon pulls out the leaf on its head and makes a flute with it. The sound of Nuzleaf’s flute strikes fear and uncertainty in the hearts of people lost in a forest.
Sword: It lives deep in forests. With the leaf on its head, it makes a flute whose song makes listeners uneasy.
Shield: They live in holes bored in large trees. The sound of Nuzleaf’s grass flute fills listeners with dread.