Magcargo Species
- Base Happiness: 70
- Capture Rate: 75
- Color: Red
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 20
- Has Gender Differences: False
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Squiggle
- Generation: Generation-Ii
Magcargo Varieties
219 - Fire, Rock
Flavor Text Entries
Gold: The shell on its back is just skin that has cooledand hardened. It breaks easily with a slight touch.
Silver: Its brittle shell occasionally spouts intenseflames that cir culate throughout its body.
Crystal: Its body is as hot as lava and is always billowing.Flames will occasionally burst from its shell.
Ruby: MAGCARGO’s shell is actually its skin that hardened as a result of cooling. Its shell is very brittle and fragile -just touching it causes it to crumble apart. This POKéMON returns to its original size by dipping itself in magma.
Sapphire: MAGCARGO’s body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees F. Water is vaporized on contact.If this POKéMON is caught in the rain, the raindrops instantly turn into steam, cloaking the area in a thick fog.
Emerald: The shell on its back is made of hardened magma. Tens of thousands of years spent living in volcanic craters have turned MAGCARGO’s bodies into magma.
Firered: Its brittle shell occasionally spouts intense flames that circulate throughout its body.
Leafgreen: The shell on its back is just skin that has cooled and hardened. It breaks easily with a slight touch.
Diamond: Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell.
Pearl: Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell.
Platinum: Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell.
Heartgold: The shell on its back is just skin that has cooled and hardened. It breaks easily with a slight touch.
Soulsilver: Its brittle shell occasionally spouts intense flames that circulate throughout its body.
Black: Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell.
White: Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell.
Black-2: Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell.
White-2: Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell.
X: Its brittle shell occasionally spouts intense flames that circulate throughout its body.
Y: Its body is as hot as lava and is always billowing. Flames will occasionally burst from its shell.
Omega-Ruby: Magcargo’s shell is actually its skin that hardened as a result of cooling. Its shell is very brittle and fragile—just touching it causes it to crumble apart. This Pokémon returns to its original size by dipping itself in magma.
Alpha-Sapphire: Magcargo’s body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Water is vaporized on contact. If this Pokémon is caught in the rain, the raindrops instantly turn into steam, cloaking the area in a thick fog.