Leavanny Species
- Base Happiness: 70
- Capture Rate: 45
- Color: Yellow
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 15
- Has Gender Differences: False
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Humanoid
- Generation: Generation-V
Leavanny Varieties
542 - Bug, Grass
Flavor Text Entries
Black: Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing for it from leaves, using the cutters on its arms and sticky silk.
White: It keeps its eggs warm with heat from fermenting leaves. It also uses leaves to make warm wrappings for Sewaddle.
Black-2: Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing for it from leaves by using the sticky silk secreted from its mouth.
White-2: Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing for it from leaves by using the sticky silk secreted from its mouth.
X: Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing for it from leaves by using the sticky silk secreted from its mouth.
Y: It keeps its eggs warm with heat from fermenting leaves. It also uses leaves to make warm wrappings for Sewaddle.
Omega-Ruby: Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing for it from leaves by using the sticky silk secreted from its mouth.
Alpha-Sapphire: It keeps its eggs warm with heat from fermenting leaves. It also uses leaves to make warm wrappings for Sewaddle.