Gurdurr Species
- Base Happiness: 50
- Capture Rate: 90
- Color: Gray
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 2
- Hatch Counter: 20
- Has Gender Differences: False
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Humanoid
- Generation: Generation-V
Flavor Text Entries
Black: This Pokémon is so muscular and strongly built that even a group of wrestlers could not make it budge an inch.
White: They strengthen their bodies by carrying steel beams. They show off their big muscles to their friends.
Black-2: With strengthened bodies, they skillfully wield steel beams to take down buildings.
White-2: With strengthened bodies, they skillfully wield steel beams to take down buildings.
X: With strengthened bodies, they skillfully wield steel beams to take down buildings.
Y: This Pokémon is so muscular and strongly built that even a group of wrestlers could not make it budge an inch.
Omega-Ruby: With strengthened bodies, they skillfully wield steel beams to take down buildings.
Alpha-Sapphire: This Pokémon is so muscular and strongly built that even a group of wrestlers could not make it budge an inch.
Sword: It shows off its muscles to Machoke and other Gurdurr. If it fails to measure up to the other Pokémon, it lies low for a little while.
Shield: Gurdurr excels at demolition—construction is not its forte. In any case, there’s skill in the way this Pokémon wields its metal beam.