Crobat Species
- Base Happiness: 50
- Capture Rate: 90
- Color: Purple
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 15
- Has Gender Differences: False
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Bug-Wings
- Generation: Generation-Ii
Crobat Varieties
169 - Poison, Flying
Flavor Text Entries
Gold: It flies so si lently through the dark on its fourwings that it may not be noticed even when nearby.
Silver: The development of wings on its legs enables it to flyfast but also makes it tough to stop and rest.
Crystal: As a result of its pursuit of faster, yet more silentflight, a new set of wings grew on its hind legs.
Ruby: If this POKéMON is flying by fluttering only a pair of wings on either the forelegs or hind legs, it’s proof thatCROBAT has been flying a long distance. It switches the wings it uses if it is tired.
Sapphire: CROBAT sneaks up on its intended prey using wings that barely make a sound. This POKéMON rests by hanging on atree branch with its rear legs that serve as wings.
Emerald: Over the course of evolution, its hind legs turned into wings. By alternately resting its front and rear wings, it can fly all day without having to stop.
Firered: The development of wings on its legs enables it to fly fast but also makes it tough to stop and rest.
Leafgreen: It flies so silently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby.
Diamond: Having four wings enables it to fly faster and more quietly. It turns active when the night comes.
Pearl: A Pokémon that gained vastly enhanced flying performance by having its legs turn into wings.
Platinum: The transformation of its legs into wings made it better at flying, but more clumsy at walking.
Heartgold: It flies so silently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby.
Soulsilver: The development of wings on its legs enables it to fly fast but also makes it tough to stop and rest.
Black: The transformation of its legs into wings made it better at flying, but more clumsy at walking.
White: The transformation of its legs into wings made it better at flying, but more clumsy at walking.
Black-2: Having four wings allows it to fly more quickly and quietly so it can sneak up on prey without its noticing.
White-2: Having four wings allows it to fly more quickly and quietly so it can sneak up on prey without its noticing.
X: It flies so silently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby.
Y: Having four wings allows it to fly more quickly and quietly so it can sneak up on prey without its noticing.
Omega-Ruby: If this Pokémon is flying by fluttering only a pair of wings on either the forelegs or hind legs, it’s proof that Crobat has been flying a long distance. It switches the wings it uses if it is tired.
Alpha-Sapphire: Crobat sneaks up on its intended prey using wings that barely make a sound. This Pokémon rests by hanging on a tree branch with its rear legs that serve as wings.
Sun: Both its legs became wings, and as a result, it can’t move well on the ground. All it can do is crawl around.
Moon: Silent and swift in its four-winged flight, it bites down on its prey before they realize what’s happening. In a heartbeat, it drains their blood.
Ultra-Sun: Its fangs are so sharp, if it bites you in the dark and sucks your blood, you won’t notice any pain or realize you’ve been bitten.
Ultra-Moon: It feeds on the blood of living people and Pokémon. If it can’t drink any blood for even a short while, it becomes weak and unable to fly.
Sword: Both of its legs have turned into wings. Without a sound, Crobat flies swiftly toward its prey and sinks its fangs into the nape of its target’s neck.
Shield: This Pokémon flaps its four wings skillfully. Crobat can fly through cramped caves without needing to slow down.
Legends-Arceus: Its hind limbs have become another set of wings. Crobat expertly maneuvers its four wings to dart in exquisite fashion through even the most confined caves without losing any speed.