Clamperl Species
- Base Happiness: 70
- Capture Rate: 255
- Color: Blue
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 20
- Has Gender Differences: False
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Ball
- Generation: Generation-Iii
Flavor Text Entries
Ruby: CLAMPERL’s sturdy shell is not only good for protection - it is also used for clamping and catching prey.A fully grown CLAMPERL’s shell will be scored with nicks and scratches all over.
Sapphire: CLAMPERL grows while being protected by its rock-hard shell. When its body becomes too large to fit inside theshell, it is sure evidence that this POKéMON is getting close to evolution.
Emerald: A CLAMPERL slams its shell closed on prey to prevent escape. The pearl it creates upon evolution is said to be infused with a mysterious energy.
Firered: It is protected by a sturdy shell. Once in a lifetime, it makes a magnificent pearl.
Leafgreen: It is protected by a sturdy shell. Once in a lifetime, it makes a magnificent pearl.
Diamond: It makes a single pearl during its lifetime. The pearl is said to amplify psychic power.
Pearl: It makes a single pearl during its lifetime. The pearl is said to amplify psychic power.
Platinum: It makes a single pearl during its lifetime. The pearl is said to amplify psychic power.
Heartgold: When it evolves, it makes a mysterious pearl that amplifies psychic powers when it’s held.
Soulsilver: When it evolves, it makes a mysterious pearl that amplifies psychic powers when it’s held.
Black: It makes a single pearl during its lifetime. The pearl is said to amplify psychic power.
White: It makes a single pearl during its lifetime. The pearl is said to amplify psychic power.
Black-2: It makes a single pearl during its lifetime. The pearl is said to amplify psychic power.
White-2: It makes a single pearl during its lifetime. The pearl is said to amplify psychic power.
X: When it evolves, it makes a mysterious pearl that amplifies psychic powers when it’s held.
Y: It is protected by a sturdy shell. Once in a lifetime, it makes a magnificent pearl.
Omega-Ruby: Clamperl’s sturdy shell is not only good for protection—it is also used for clamping and catching prey. A fully grown Clamperl’s shell will be scored with nicks and scratches all over.
Alpha-Sapphire: Clamperl grows while being protected by its rock-hard shell. When its body becomes too large to fit inside the shell, it is sure evidence that this Pokémon is getting close to evolution.
Ultra-Sun: Despite its appearance, it’s carnivorous. It clamps down on its prey with both sides of its shell and doesn’t let go until they stop moving.
Ultra-Moon: Clamperl’s pearls are exceedingly precious. They can be more than 10 times as costly as Shellder’s pearls.