Chimecho Species
- Base Happiness: 70
- Capture Rate: 45
- Color: Blue
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 25
- Has Gender Differences: False
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Arms
- Generation: Generation-Iii
Flavor Text Entries
Ruby: CHIMECHO makes its cries echo inside its hollow body. When this POKéMON becomes enraged, its criesresult in ultrasonic waves that have the power to knock foes flying.
Sapphire: In high winds, CHIMECHO cries as it hangs from a tree branch or the eaves of a building using a suction cup on itshead. This POKéMON plucks berries with its long tail and eats them.
Emerald: They fly about very actively when the hot season arrives. They communicate among themselves using seven different and distinguishing cries.
Firered: It travels by riding on winds. It cleverly uses its long tail to pluck nuts and berries, which it loves to eat.
Leafgreen: It travels by riding on winds. It cleverly uses its long tail to pluck nuts and berries, which it loves to eat.
Diamond: To knock foes flying, it makes the air shudder with its cries. It converses using seven cries.
Pearl: Emitting ultrasonic cries, it floats on winds to travel great distances.
Platinum: Its cries echo inside its hollow body to emerge as beautiful notes for startling and repelling foes.
Heartgold: It uses the sucker on its head to hang from a tree or from eaves. It can produce seven different tones.
Soulsilver: It uses the sucker on its head to hang from a tree or from eaves. It can produce seven different tones.
Black: Its cries echo inside its hollow body to emerge as beautiful notes for startling and repelling foes.
White: Its cries echo inside its hollow body to emerge as beautiful notes for startling and repelling foes.
Black-2: Its cries echo inside its hollow body to emerge as beautiful notes for startling and repelling foes.
White-2: Its cries echo inside its hollow body to emerge as beautiful notes for startling and repelling foes.
X: It uses the sucker on its head to hang from a tree or from eaves. It can produce seven different tones.
Y: Emitting ultrasonic cries, it floats on winds to travel great distances.
Omega-Ruby: Chimecho makes its cries echo inside its hollow body. When this Pokémon becomes enraged, its cries result in ultrasonic waves that have the power to knock foes flying.
Alpha-Sapphire: In high winds, Chimecho cries as it hangs from a tree branch or the eaves of a building using a suction cup on its head. This Pokémon plucks berries with its long tail and eats them.
Legends-Arceus: Can emit waves of air powerful enough to knock out prey taller than itself. I hypothesize that it amplifies the faint sound of wind within its body.