Butterfree Species
- Base Happiness: 50
- Capture Rate: 45
- Color: White
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 15
- Has Gender Differences: True
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Bug-Wings
- Generation: Generation-I
Butterfree Varieties
12 - Bug, Flying
10198 - Bug, Flying
Flavor Text Entries
Red: In battle, it flaps its wings at high speed torelease highly toxic dust into the air.
Blue: In battle, it flaps its wings at high speed torelease highly toxic dust into the air.
Yellow: Its wings, covered with poisonous powders, repelwater. This allows it to fly in the rain.
Gold: It collects honey every day. It rubs honey onto thehairs on its legs to carry it back to its nest.
Silver: Water-repellent powder on its wings enables itto collect honey, even in the heav iest of rains.
Crystal: It flits from flower to flower, collecting honey.It can even identify distant flowers in bloom.
Ruby: BUTTERFREE has a superior ability to search for delicious honey from flowers.It can even search out, extract, and carry honey from flowers that are blooming over six miles from its nest.
Sapphire: BUTTERFREE has a superior ability to search for delicious honey from flowers.It can even search out, extract, and carry honey from flowers that are blooming over six miles from its nest.
Emerald: It has a superior ability to search for delicious honey from flowers. It can seek, extract, and carry honey from flowers blooming over six miles away.
Firered: The wings are protected by rain-repellent dust. As a result, this POKéMON can fly about even in rain.
Leafgreen: In battle, it flaps its wings at great speed to release highly toxic dust into the air.
Diamond: It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen.
Pearl: It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen.
Platinum: It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen.
Heartgold: It collects honey every day. It rubs honey onto the hairs on its legs to carry it back to its nest.
Soulsilver: Water-repellent powder on its wings enables it to collect honey, even in the heaviest of rains.
Black: It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen.
White: It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen.
Black-2: It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen.
White-2: It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen.
X: It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen.
Y: The wings are protected by rain-repellent dust. As a result, this Pokémon can fly about even in rain.
Omega-Ruby: Butterfree has a superior ability to search for delicious honey from flowers. It can even search out, extract, and carry honey from flowers that are blooming over six miles from its nest.
Alpha-Sapphire: Butterfree has a superior ability to search for delicious honey from flowers. It can even search out, extract, and carry honey from flowers that are blooming over six miles from its nest.
Sun: Close examination of its large eyes reveals that each eye is composed of a myriad of tiny eyes.
Moon: When attacked by other Pokémon, it defends itself by scattering its poisonous scales and fluttering its wings.
Ultra-Sun: Its wings are covered in toxic scales. If it finds bird Pokémon going after Caterpie, Butterfree sprinkles its scales on them to drive them off.
Ultra-Moon: Nectar from pretty flowers is its favorite food. In fields of flowers, it has heated battles with Cutiefly for territory.
Lets-Go-Pikachu: Its wings, covered with poisonous powder, repel water. This allows it to fly in the rain.
Lets-Go-Eevee: Its wings, covered with poisonous powder, repel water. This allows it to fly in the rain.
Sword: In battle, it flaps its wings at great speed to release highly toxic dust into the air.
Shield: It collects honey every day. It rubs honey onto the hairs on its legs to carry it back to its nest.