Beautifly Species
- Base Happiness: 70
- Capture Rate: 45
- Color: Yellow
- Egg Groups:
- Gender Rate: 4
- Hatch Counter: 15
- Has Gender Differences: True
- Is Baby: False
- Is Legendary: False
- Is Mythical: False
- Shape: Bug-Wings
- Generation: Generation-Iii
Beautifly Varieties
267 - Bug, Flying
Flavor Text Entries
Ruby: BEAUTIFLY’s favorite food is the sweet pollen of flowers. If you want to see this POKéMON, just leave a pottedflower by an open window. BEAUTIFLY is sure to come looking for pollen.
Sapphire: BEAUTIFLY has a long mouth like a coiled needle, which is very convenient for collecting pollen from flowers.This POKéMON rides the spring winds as it flits around gathering pollen.
Emerald: Its colorfully patterned wings are its most prominent feature. It flies through flower-covered fields collecting pollen. It attacks ferociously when angered.
Firered: Despite its appearance, it has an aggressive nature. It attacks by jabbing with its long, thin mouth.
Leafgreen: Despite its appearance, it has an aggressive nature. It attacks by jabbing with its long, thin mouth.
Diamond: It has an aggressive nature. It stabs prey with its long, narrow mouth to drain the prey’s fluids.
Pearl: When flower fields bloom, it flits around, collecting pollen. Despite its appearance, it is savage.
Platinum: Despite its looks, it is aggressive. It jabs with its long, thin mouth if disturbed while collecting pollen.
Heartgold: Vibrantly patterned wings are its prominent feature. It sucks sweet flower nectar with its long mouth.
Soulsilver: Vibrantly patterned wings are its prominent feature. It sucks sweet flower nectar with its long mouth.
Black: Despite its looks, it is aggressive. It jabs with its long, thin mouth if disturbed while collecting pollen.
White: Despite its looks, it is aggressive. It jabs with its long, thin mouth if disturbed while collecting pollen.
Black-2: Despite its looks, it is aggressive. It jabs with its long, thin mouth if disturbed while collecting pollen.
White-2: Despite its looks, it is aggressive. It jabs with its long, thin mouth if disturbed while collecting pollen.
X: Vibrantly patterned wings are its prominent feature. It sucks sweet flower nectar with its long mouth.
Y: It has an aggressive nature. It stabs prey with its long, narrow mouth to drain the prey’s fluids.
Omega-Ruby: Beautifly’s favorite food is the sweet pollen of flowers. If you want to see this Pokémon, just leave a potted flower by an open window. Beautifly is sure to come looking for pollen.
Alpha-Sapphire: Beautifly has a long mouth like a coiled needle, which is very convenient for collecting pollen from flowers. This Pokémon rides the spring winds as it flits around gathering pollen.
Legends-Arceus: A colorful and incredibly beautiful but also greedy Pokémon. In an effort to keep its favorite food all to itself, it will chase away Combee as they try to gather nectar.