Yellow-Flute yellow-flute Sprite

Yellow Flute is a consumable item in the Pokémon series that serves a specific in-battle utility. When used during battle, the Yellow Flute cures a Pokémon of the confusion status condition. This is particularly useful as confusion can be a detrimental status that causes the afflicted Pokémon to have a 50% chance of hurting itself when attempting to use an attack, effectively turning its own offensive capabilities against it.

Unlike many items that are consumed upon use, the Yellow Flute is unique because it is non-consumable; once obtained, it can be used repeatedly in battles, making it a highly sustainable resource for trainers. This property distinguishes it from other status-healing items, such as the Persim Berry or Full Heal, which are used up after a single application.

The Yellow Flute first appeared in Generation III of the Pokémon games, specifically in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. It can be crafted from shards or purchased at certain in-game locations, such as the Slateport Market







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Yellow-Flute Pokémon



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