X-Speed x-speed Sprite

X-Speed is a battle item commonly used in Pokémon games to temporarily increase the Speed stat of a Pokémon during battles. When used, X-Speed boosts the Speed stat of the holder by one stage, allowing the Pokémon to outspeed opponents that it normally wouldn’t be able to. This can be crucial in both in-game battles and competitive play, especially in situations where landing the first hit can make a significant difference.

Interesting facts about X-Speed include: - It is a one-time use item in battle but can be purchased from various Poké Marts within the games. - The effects of X-Speed stack, meaning that multiple uses in the same battle will continue to increase the holder's Speed stat by an additional stage each time. - X-Speed is rarely used in competitive play due to the preference for other stat-boosting moves or items that offer more versatile benefits.

Overall, X-Speed is a strategic item that, when used correctly, can turn the tide of a battle by allowing slower







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

X-Speed Pokémon



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