Soda-Pop soda-pop Sprite

Soda-Pop is a consumable item within the Pokémon series, specifically used to restore a Pokémon's health. When used, Soda-Pop restores 50 HP to the Pokémon it is given to, making it a mid-tier healing item suitable for use in the early to mid-stages of the game. This item is particularly more cost-effective compared to other healing items like Super Potions, which also restore 50 HP but typically cost more in Poké Marts.

In terms of availability, Soda-Pop can often be purchased in bulk from specific in-game locations such as vending machines found in places like the Celadon Department Store in Kanto or the Slateport Beach House in Hoenn. Due to its utility and relatively low cost, it is a preferred item for many trainers, especially those managing their money efficiently during their journey.

An interesting fact about Soda-Pop is its thematic inspiration. Reflecting the real-world appeal of refreshing beverages, the item is often contextualized within the







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Soda-Pop Pokémon



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