Shell-Bell shell-bell Sprite

Shell Bell is a held item in the Pokémon series that provides the wielder with a small measure of healing during battle. Specifically, whenever a Pokémon holding the Shell Bell successfully inflicts damage on its opponent, it will recover HP equal to 1/8th of the damage dealt. This effect can be beneficial in prolonging the Pokémon's ability to stay in battle, especially for those with high Attack stats or multi-hit moves, as the healing trigger activates per instance of damage.

Introduced in Generation III of the Pokémon games, Shell Bell became a notable item for players aiming to combine offensive capabilities with some degree of sustain. Unlike items like Leftovers, which restore HP at the end of each turn based on the holder's maximum HP, Shell Bell's recovery scales with the amount of damage dealt, making it potentially more impactful for high-damage moves.

In competitive play, Shell Bell is often overshadowed by other recovery items such as Leftovers or Sitrus Berry, as these provide







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Shell-Bell Pokémon



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