Rowap-Berry is a held item in the Pokémon series known for its unique effect in battle. When a Pokémon holding a Rowap-Berry is struck by a special attack, the attacker receives damage in return if they use a move that makes contact. Specifically, the attacker will lose 1/8th of their maximum HP. This makes the Rowap-Berry an interesting strategic option in competitive play, particularly for Pokémon that rely on defensive tactics.
The Rowap-Berry is most effective on Pokémon with high defenses and a passive playstyle. It adds an extra layer of punishment for opponents who rely heavily on special attacks to break through defenses. This can potentially shift the momentum of the battle by deterring repeated special attacks.
Interesting facts about the Rowap-Berry include: 1. Rarity: The Rowap-Berry is relatively rare and often difficult to obtain in the game. It's not commonly found in the wild or in Poké Marts, making it more valuable