Pp-Max pp-max Sprite

Pp-Max is a valuable item in the Pokémon series, primarily used to enhance a Pokémon’s move utility. When applied, PP-Max boosts the maximum PP (Power Points) of a chosen move by 60% of its original PP value. This increase can significantly extend the number of times a powerful or essential move can be used in battles, making it a strategic resource for competitive play and in-game challenges.

Effects: - Increases the maximum PP of a selected move by 60%, which is more than twice the effect of a PP Up, another item that boosts PP. - This increase applies to the move permanently unless altered by other game mechanics or items.

Interesting Facts: - Pp-Max is considered a rare and highly sought-after item due to its significant and permanent effect on move usage. - It is often found in limited quantities within the game, making it crucial for players to decide carefully which moves to upgrade. - The item is particularly useful in long battles, such as Elite







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Pp-Max Pokémon



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