Power Bracer is a held item in the Pokémon series that primarily focuses on enhancing a Pokémon's Attack stat through Effort Value (EV) training. When a Pokémon holds the Power Bracer, it gains an additional 8 Attack EVs from each battle in which it participates, regardless of the Pokémon it faces. This makes it an invaluable tool for players who wish to customize their Pokémon's stats to optimize performance in battles.
Effects: 1. EV Training Boost: Power Bracer grants 8 extra Attack EVs per defeated Pokémon, on top of the EVs normally earned. This allows for more efficient and accelerated EV training in this specific stat, enabling players to maximize a Pokémon's potential much faster than through regular training. 2. Speed Reduction: While holding the Power Bracer, a Pokémon's Speed is halved in battle. This can serve as both a drawback and a strategic mechanism, depending on the situation. The reduced Speed can benefit Pokémon utilizing moves like Trick