Power-Belt power-belt Sprite

Power Belt is a held item in the Pokémon series that is particularly notable for its dual effects on battle dynamics and stat training. When a Pokémon holds a Power Belt, it experiences a 50% reduction in its Speed stat during battles. This reduction can be strategically advantageous for certain moves, such as using Gyro Ball, which deals more damage the slower the user is compared to the target.

In addition to its in-battle effect, the Power Belt has a significant role in the realm of EV (Effort Value) training. When a Pokémon defeats an opponent and gains EVs, the Power Belt adds an additional 8 Defense EVs on top of the EVs normally gained from the defeated Pokémon. This supplementary boost is particularly useful for trainers who aim to maximize their Pokémon's Defense stat efficiently.

Here are some interesting facts about the Power Belt:

  1. Introduction and Availability: The Power Belt was introduced in Generation IV (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl) and has since been a consistent







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Power-Belt Pokémon



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