Paralyze-Heal paralyze-heal Sprite

Paralyze Heal is a curative item in the Pokémon series designed to remedy the paralysis status condition. When used, it instantly restores a paralyzed Pokémon to its normal state, allowing it to move without the hindrance of reduced speed or the possibility of being unable to act during its turn. This item is particularly useful in battles where maintaining a Pokémon's full mobility and effectiveness is crucial.

Paralysis is a status condition that not only cuts a Pokémon's speed by 50%, making it easier for opponents to outspeed them, but also gives a 25% chance that the affected Pokémon will be unable to perform its actions each turn. This can significantly impact the flow of battles, especially in competitive play where turn order and consistency of actions are vital.

Paralyze Heal has been a staple item since the early generations of Pokémon games, appearing consistently across various titles. It is typically purchased in Poké Marts for a modest price and found in numerous locations throughout the game world. Players often







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Paralyze-Heal Pokémon



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