Odd Keystone is a key item in the Pokémon series, particularly significant in the Sinnoh region games, such as Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl. It is primarily used to summon the Pokémon Spiritomb, a unique Ghost/Dark-type Pokémon known for having no type weaknesses until the Fairy type was introduced in Generation VI.
Effects and Usage: 1. Summoning Spiritomb: The Odd Keystone can be placed in the Hallowed Tower, located on Route 209. To encounter Spiritomb, players must then interact with the Hallowed Tower and engage with other players in the Underground—a mechanic specific to the Sinnoh games. The requirement varies slightly across different game versions. For example, in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, players need to interact with other 32 players' avatars in the Sinnoh Underground.