Mago Berry is a type of berry in the Pokémon series that serves as a healing item both during and outside of battles. When a Pokémon holding a Mago Berry's HP drops to 25% or below, it will consume the berry to restore 50% of its maximum HP.
However, there's a unique twist: if the Pokémon consuming the Mago Berry has a Nature that dislikes the bitter flavor, specifically the Natures of Adamant, Jolly, Careful, or Impish, the Pokémon will become confused. This makes it important for players to consider the Nature of their Pokémon when allocating Mago Berries to ensure optimal performance without unintended side effects.
Interesting Facts:
Evolution of Mechanics: In Generations III through VI, the Mago Berry used to restore only 1/8th of the Pokémon's max HP, and the restoration amount was increased to 50% starting in Generation VII.
Flavor Characteristics: The berry