Lucky Punch is a unique held item designed specifically for the Pokémon Chansey. When a Chansey holds this item, its critical hit ratio is significantly increased. This boosts Chansey's chance to land critical hits during battle, thereby enhancing its offensive capabilities despite its typically defensive nature.
Effects: - Boosts Chansey's critical hit ratio, making it easier for her to deal double damage through critical hits. - It does not affect any other Pokémon, making it exclusively useful for Chansey.
Interesting Facts: - Lucky Punch was first introduced in Generation II (Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal versions). - The item's effect cannot be passed to other Pokémon through moves like Trick or Switcheroo because its effect is uniquely tied to Chansey. - Despite Chansey's generally low Attack stats, the increased critical hit ratio can make moves like Seismic Toss more impactful, though its primary role remains support and tank in most situations. - The name "Lucky Punch" implies increased luck