Lemonade lemonade Sprite

Lemonade is a healing item in the Pokémon series that restores a significant amount of HP to a Pokémon. Specifically, in the main series games, Lemonade restores 70 HP when used on a Pokémon. This makes it more effective than a Super Potion, which restores 50 HP, but less so than a Hyper Potion, which restores 120 HP.

Lemonade is often one of the beverages available for purchase in vending machines, alongside Fresh Water and Soda Pop. Among these, Lemonade provides the highest HP recovery. The item is commonly found in various locations throughout the games, typically on the roofs of department stores or other specific points in certain towns. In some games, players can buy Lemonades in bulk, making it an economical and practical choice for healing Pokémon, especially in the earlier stages of the game.

Another interesting aspect of Lemonade is its occasional role in fulfilling quests or story-related tasks. For instance, in some generations, players need to purchase a drink like







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Lemonade Pokémon



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