King's Rock is a held item in the Pokémon series that has a unique and strategic impact, particularly in competitive play. When a Pokémon holds King's Rock, all of its damaging moves gain a 10% chance to make the target flinch, provided the holder's move goes before the target's move. This added flinch chance does not stack with the inherent flinch chance of certain moves like Iron Head or Air Slash but can be particularly useful in combination with multi-strike moves such as Icicle Spear or Water Shuriken, where each hit has its own separate chance to cause flinching.
One of the most interesting use cases of King's Rock is on Pokémon with the Skill Link ability, such as Cloyster. Skill Link ensures that multi-strike moves hit the maximum number of times, greatly increasing the probability of inducing flinch when King's Rock is held.
Besides its primary effect, King's Rock also holds historical significance within the Pokémon universe, most notably as an evolution item.