Jaboca Berry is a held item in the Pokémon series known for its unique effect in battles. When a Pokémon holding a Jaboca Berry is hit by a physical move, the attacking Pokémon will suffer recoil damage equivalent to 12.5% of its maximum HP. This berry is a strategic tool often used to punish opponents who rely heavily on physical attacks, adding an extra layer of defense and counterplay.
Interesting Facts:
Generation Introduction: The Jaboca Berry was introduced in Generation IV of the Pokémon games, making its first appearance in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
Wild Harvesting: Like many other berries, it can be found in the wild, specifically on certain routes and in various berry patches throughout the Sinnoh region.
Growth Stages: In games where berry cultivation is possible, the Jaboca Berry goes through four growth stages before it is fully mature. The entire process typically takes about 48 hours, depending on the