Iron-Ball iron-ball Sprite

Iron Ball is an item in the Pokémon series that, when held, has a few significant effects on the holder. Primarily, it halves the holder’s Speed stat, which can turn a usually fast Pokémon into a slower one. This decreased Speed can be strategically useful in certain battle strategies, particularly in Trick Room teams, where slower Pokémon move first.

In addition to its Speed-reducing property, Iron Ball also nullifies the holder's immunity to Ground-type moves. This means that even Flying-type Pokémon or Pokémon with the ability Levitate can be hit by Ground-type attacks when holding an Iron Ball. This feature can be utilized in double battles to maximize the effectiveness of moves like Earthquake without worrying about type immunities.

Another interesting application of Iron Ball is in conjunction with the move Fling. When Fling is used with Iron Ball, it reaches its highest base power of 130, making it a potent attacking option.

Overall, Iron Ball is a versatile item with unique applications.







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Iron-Ball Pokémon



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