Iapapa Berry is a held item in the Pokémon series that provides a healing effect under certain conditions. When a Pokémon holding an Iapapa Berry falls below 25% of its maximum HP, the Berry is consumed, restoring 50% of its maximum HP. However, the healing benefit comes with a potential drawback: if the holder has a nature that decreases its Speed stat (Lonely, Mild, Hasty, or Timid), it will become confused instead of being healed.
The Iapapa Berry's healing effect can be strategically leveraged in competitive play, especially in conjunction with abilities or moves that intentionally bring the user's HP down, such as Belly Drum or Substitute. It's particularly effective on bulky, slower Pokémon that can afford to take hits and then heal back a significant portion of their HP.
Interesting facts about the Iapapa Berry: - In the Berry's in-game description, it is said to be "very hard" and "sharp-tasting." - It belongs to