Dire-Hit dire-hit Sprite

Dire Hit is a consumable item in the Pokémon series, primarily used during battles. When used, Dire Hit increases the critical hit ratio of a Pokémon by two stages, making it more likely for the Pokémon's attacks to land critical hits. Critical hits deal 1.5 times the normal damage, ignoring any positive Defense or Special Defense buffs the defending Pokémon might have.

Effects: - Increased Critical Hit Ratio: The primary effect of Dire Hit is to heighten the chance of landing critical hits during battle. This effect typically lasts until the Pokémon faints or is switched out of battle. - Temporary Buff: Unlike held items that may provide ongoing benefits throughout a battle, Dire Hit is a single-use item, meaning its effects are immediate but not lasting once consumed.

Interesting Facts: - Historical Use: Dire Hit has been a part of the Pokémon series since the original Red and Blue games, showcasing its longstanding utility in in-game battles. -







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Dire-Hit Pokémon



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