Custap-Berry custap-berry Sprite

Custap Berry is a held item in the Pokémon series introduced in Generation IV. Its primary effect triggers when the holder's HP falls to 25% or less; it allows the Pokémon to move first in its priority bracket for one turn, essentially granting it a priority move status for its next attack or action. This can be crucial in competitive battles, often turning the tide by enabling slower Pokémon to land a decisive hit or set up a critical move before an opponent can react.

The Custap Berry is particularly favored in strategies involving Pokémon with high offensive power but low speed and endurance. For instance, it is commonly used with Pokémon that have access to powerful but slow moves or those that set up entry hazards or perform crucial supportive roles.

One interesting application of the Custap Berry is in combination with certain abilities or strategies like "Sturdy" or "Endure." Such tactics ensure that the Pokémon survives an otherwise fatal hit, enabling the Berry's activation and allowing a final, potentially game-changing move







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Custap-Berry Pokémon



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