Choice-Specs choice-specs Sprite

Choice Specs is a held item in the Pokémon series that significantly boosts the holder's special attack but imposes certain restrictions. Specifically, when a Pokémon holds Choice Specs, its special attack stat is increased by 50%, which can turn many attacks into devastating hits capable of knocking out opponents that would otherwise survive. The trade-off for this considerable power boost is that the holder is locked into using the first move it selects until it switches out or faints. This means the player must be strategic in choosing the initial move, as the limitation can be exploited by opponents who anticipate the chosen move and switch to a Pokémon that resists or is immune to that move.

Choice Specs is a pivotal item in competitive Pokémon battling, often seen on special attackers that can capitalize on the immense boost to their special attack. Common users of Choice Specs include Pokémon like Hydreigon, Latios, and Tapu Lele, which already have high special attack stats and benefit greatly from the additional power.

Some interesting facts







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Choice-Specs Pokémon



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