Black-Flute black-flute Sprite

Black Flute is an item in the Pokémon series that can be used in the overworld to reduce the encounter rate of wild Pokémon. Unlike its counterparts, the White Flute, which increases the encounter rate, the Black Flute is particularly useful for players looking to traverse areas with tall grass, caves, or water without frequent interruptions from wild Pokémon battles.

Effects: - When used, the Black Flute lowers the probability of encountering wild Pokémon in the immediate area. - The effect of the Black Flute lasts until the player exits the area.

Interesting Facts: - The Black Flute is a reusable item, meaning it does not get consumed after use, which makes it economically advantageous for players who frequently need to avoid wild Pokémon encounters. - In the mainline Pokémon games, the Black Flute first appeared in the Generation III games (Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald). - This item can usually be obtained through various methods such as trading ash gathered from walking in areas like







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Black-Flute Pokémon



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