Amulet Coin is a held item prominently featured in the Pokémon series, starting from Generation II. Its primary effect is to increase the amount of money a player receives after winning a battle, doubling the prize money if the holder participates in the battle. This doubling effect stacks with the Prize Money Power when used in later generations or the O-Power in Generation VI.
Interesting Facts: 1. Origin and Evolution: The Amulet Coin was introduced in Pokémon Gold and Silver, and has since become a valuable item for trainers needing extra funds. Its basic design has remained consistent across generations, typically depicted as a coin with a string or ribbon.
Acquisition: The method to obtain the Amulet Coin varies across the games. Commonly, it can be found as an item on the ground within certain locations, gifted by NPCs, or sometimes even awarded for completing specific in-game tasks.
Strategic Use: While initially beneficial primarily during the main storyline for
Created by Daisuke Ito for the Great Encounters set.