Adamant Orb is a special held item in the Pokémon series that is specifically designed to benefit Dialga, the Legendary Dragon/Steel-type Pokémon. When held by Dialga, the Adamant Orb boosts the power of its Steel-type and Dragon-type moves by 20%. This item is incredibly useful in maximizing Dialga's offensive capabilities, taking advantage of its already impressive movepool which includes signature moves like Roar of Time (Dragon-type) and Flash Cannon (Steel-type).
Interesting Facts: 1. Exclusive Use: The Adamant Orb is unique in that it only provides its benefits when held by Dialga. No other Pokémon can gain an advantage from it. This exclusivity underscores Dialga's role as a master of time, tying the item thematically to its intended holder. 2. Lore Significance: In the lore of the Pokémon games, the Adamant Orb is often tied to the mythology of the Sinnoh region, where Dialga is said