Misty Seed is a held item in the Pokémon series that provides a one-time boost to a Pokémon's Special Defense. When a Pokémon holding Misty Seed enters the battlefield in Misty Terrain, the item's effect is triggered, raising the holder's Special Defense by one stage. Misty Terrain can be set up using the move Misty Terrain itself, or through the ability Misty Surge, which is automatically activated by the Pokémon Tapu Fini when it enters the field.
Effects: - Automatically activates when Misty Terrain is present. - Boosts the holder's Special Defense by one stage upon activation. - The boost is significant for defensive Pokémon, enhancing their durability against special attacks.
Interesting Facts: - Misty Seed is commonly used in conjunction with Pokémon that can either summon Misty Terrain or benefit from its protective effects against status conditions. - In competitive play, Misty Seed is often paired with Pokémon like Tapu Fini or those carrying the move Misty Terrain