Snowball is a held item introduced in Generation VI of the Pokémon series. It activates when the holder is hit by a damaging Ice-type move, raising the holder's Attack stat by one stage. This item is consumed upon activation, meaning it can only be used once per battle unless regenerated through specific abilities or moves.
Effects: - When a Pokémon holding a Snowball is hit by an Ice-type attack, its Attack stat is increased by one stage. - The Snowball is consumed and disappears after this effect is triggered.
Interesting Facts: - Strategic Use: Snowball is often used in conjunction with Pokémon that have a weakness to Ice-type moves, such as Dragon, Flying, Grass, and Ground types. By holding a Snowball, these Pokémon can turn a disadvantageous situation into an opportunity to boost their offensive capabilities. - Mixing with Abilities: Pokémon with abilities that draw in attacks, such as Storm Drain or Lightning Rod, can use the Snow