Big-Root is a held item in the Pokémon series that enhances the effectiveness of HP-draining moves. Specifically, it boosts the amount of HP recovered by 1.3 times when the holder uses moves like Giga Drain, Leech Life, Drain Punch, and similar moves that siphon health from the opponent. This item does not increase the amount of damage dealt, only the quantity of health restored.
Key Effects: 1. HP Drain Boost: The primary function of Big-Root is to increase the amount of HP restored by the holder when using draining moves, making it particularly useful for Pokémon that rely on sustaining themselves through offensive means. 2. Impact on Moves: Moves like Leech Seed, when used by a Pokémon holding Big-Root, will also transfer more HP. However, moves such as Aqua Ring and Ingrain are not affected as they do not drain HP from the opponent.
Interesting Facts: - Strategy and Usage: Big-Root