Black Sludge is a held item primarily designed for Poison-type Pokémon, known for its unique dual effect. When held by a Poison-type Pokémon, Black Sludge restores 1/16th of the holder's max HP at the end of each turn, similar to the healing effect of Leftovers. However, if a non-Poison-type Pokémon holds Black Sludge, it instead inflicts damage equal to 1/8th of the holder's max HP at the end of each turn, making it detrimental to any non-Poison Pokémon.
This dual nature makes Black Sludge particularly valuable in competitive play for several strategic reasons:
Sustain for Poison-types: Poison-type Pokémon benefit from the sustained recovery, allowing them to improve their longevity in battles. Common users include bulky Poison-types like Toxapex, Amoonguss, and Weezing, which can stall opponents and outlast them through consistent healing.
Anti-Trick Strategy: The