Expert-Belt expert-belt Sprite

Expert Belt is a held item in the Pokémon series that boosts the power of the holder's super-effective moves by 20%. This enhancement is particularly useful for Pokémon that have a diverse move set covering a wide range of types, allowing them to deal increased damage to more opponents. Unlike other power-enhancing items like Choice Band or Life Orb, the Expert Belt does not come with any adverse side effects such as restricting move options or causing recoil damage.

The Expert Belt is versatile and often used in strategies involving Pokémon that aim to maximize type coverage and exploit opponents' weaknesses. This item can be especially effective for mixed sweepers—Pokémon that use both physical and special attacks—because it provides a damage boost without limiting their move selections.

In competitive play, the Expert Belt finds its niche in teams where predicting opponents' moves and type matchups is critical. It is less common than items like Leftovers or Choice Scarf but can be a surprise factor that turns the tide of battle when used







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Expert-Belt Pokémon



Expert Belt

Created by Wataru Kawahara for the Arceus set.