Dragon-Fang dragon-fang Sprite

Dragon-Fang is a held item in the Pokémon series that boosts the power of Dragon-type moves by 20%. This can be especially useful for Dragon-type Pokémon or any Pokémon with a significant repertoire of Dragon-type attacks, as it enhances their offensive capabilities without requiring the use of in-battle moves or abilities.

The Dragon-Fang first appeared in Generation II and has been a consistent presence in the games since then. It is typically found in various in-game locations or can be obtained from specific NPCs, depending on the game version. For example, in Pokémon Gold and Silver, it could be found in Blackthorn City, whereas in later games like Pokémon Sword and Shield, it can be acquired through different means such as exploration, purchasing, or as a reward.

Aside from its primary function, the Dragon-Fang also has some interesting associations in the Pokémon world. In the anime, this item has been featured in several episodes, often in the possession of Dragon-type trainers or used in competitions







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Dragon-Fang Pokémon



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