Spell Tag is a held item in the Pokémon series designed to enhance the power of Ghost-type moves. Specifically, when a Pokémon holds this item, the power of its Ghost-type moves is increased by 20%. This makes the Spell Tag a valuable item for trainers using Ghost-type Pokémon, or Pokémon with a diverse moveset that includes powerful Ghost-type attacks.
The Spell Tag was introduced in Generation II, also known as the Pokémon Gold and Silver series. Since then, it has maintained its relevance through successive generations of Pokémon games. The item provides an essential advantage in both casual playthroughs and competitive battling by boosting damage output for Ghost-type moves, which can be notoriously tricky due to their specific type interactions.
Interesting facts about the Spell Tag include its thematic design, which often resembles an ethereal or mystical tag that fits the eerie motif commonly associated with Ghost-type Pokémon. The item’s description in various games highlights its ghostly nature, often referring to it as a sinister or spooky item that channels
Created by Ayaka Yoshida for the Lost Thunder set.
Created by Ayaka Yoshida for the Lost Thunder set.