Never-Melt-Ice never-melt-ice Sprite

Never-Melt-Ice is an item in the Pokémon series that boosts the power of Ice-type moves by 20% when held by a Pokémon. This makes it especially useful for Pokémon whose primary or secondary typing is Ice, or for those that rely heavily on Ice-type moves for offense. Common holders might include Pokémon like Glaceon, Lapras, or Weavile, which benefit significantly from the increased damage output.

In addition to its battle utility, the Never-Melt-Ice has some interesting lore within the Pokémon world. According to various game descriptions and in-game dialogue, it is said to be a piece of ice that never melts, regardless of the surrounding temperature. This characteristic accentuates its mythical quality and aligns with its name, signifying it as a rare and valuable item that holds a particular mystical property.

In different Pokémon games, Never-Melt-Ice can often be found in cold, icy environments such as the Ice Path in the Johto region or the Snow







Flavor Texts:

Fling Effect

Fling Power


Game Indices

Never-Melt-Ice Pokémon



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