Metal-Coat is a held item in the Pokémon series that boosts the power of Steel-type moves by 20% when held by a Pokémon. This makes it a valuable asset for Steel-type Pokémon or those that rely on Steel-type moves to maximize their offensive capabilities. Additionally, Metal-Coat is instrumental in evolving specific Pokémon: it evolves Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor when traded while holding the item.
Effects: 1. Combat Enhancements: When held, Metal-Coat increases the damage output of Steel-type moves by 20%. This can make a significant difference in battles, particularly for Pokémon that specialize in Steel-type attacks. 2. Evolution: Essential for evolving Onix into Steelix and Scyther into Scizor. This requires the Pokémon to be traded while holding the Metal-Coat. This evolution mechanic is unique and showcases the strategic depth and variety of ways Pokémon can evolve.
Interesting Facts: 1